fiona marshall造句
- Archaeologists such as Fiona Marshall fitted rock fragments back together like a puzzle.
- "The underlying factors are good, " said Fiona Marshall, a Kleinwort analyst who follows Olivetti.
- "' Fiona Marshall "'is an the domestication and herding of animals, particularly cattle and donkeys.
- A team of specialists, one being Fiona Marshall, re-excavated half of the trackway to record its condition, stabilize the surface, extract dead roots and rebury it with synthetic geotextile materials.
- "African scholars kept expecting to find domestic plants very early because the model from the Near East was driving the thinking on Africa, " said Fiona Marshall, an archaeologist at Washington University in St . Louis who in a 2002 article in The Journal of World Prehistory was among the first to recognize that Africa followed a different paradigm . " It took us a long time to see that we had a different pattern ."
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